Annie and Geordie

Annie and Geordie
Christmas Eve 2009

Why Has "Christmas" Suddenly Become Confusing? It's CHRISTMAS TIME! Since When Did That Become Such a Problem?

Posted by Annie on 5:54 PM

(Even poor Geordie doesn't know what to say, how to act or what to do for Christmas anymore! He thinks the PC crowd is trying to throw Christmas to the dogs! No wait! He IS a dog! But he wishes you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS anyway!)
Ok, I have had enough. I'm up to HERE with all this "PC" stuff. I'm 45. CHRISTMAS has been on December 25 for at least 45 years. I've watched Americans become more and more "European" just in the past 5 years and it's repulsive. I am worn out with all the traditions that our country has loved and enjoyed FREELY and openly all of my life, suddenly being kept hush-hush. I am right now watching the news. All the commercials are "holiday" commercials. Does anyone realize that even the word holiday comes from HOLY DAY? So, smart as the advertising world thinks it is, it's really not so smart after all. I have many friends in various religions. Why is it that MY religion, which, I might add happens to be the predominant religion in this country and always has been...has to be swept under the rug? Are we worshipping snow now? How about Frosty the Snowman? Are we worshipping winter? NO! Tell that to a bunch of kids who are expecting a haul on CHRISTMAS MORNING! They are CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!
I'm just at a loss about all this "holiday" business. Even the Jewish religion has had to fall into the commercialism that "the great thinkers" of America have forced upon them. Hanukkah, although important, is certainly not the most important of Jewish holidays! Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is by far more important in the Jewish faith.
The "bearing of gifts to the Christ child" is why Christians around the world shower one another with gifts as a part of today's celebration of Christmas. I can remember my grandparents saying at Christmas time, they got an orange, some paper, pencils and maybe a top, a ball or something. Nothing like today's spending frenzy that we engage in. Today's kids think it's a free-for-all to get every single thing known to mankind all in one night.
Now, don't get me wrong...no one loves Christmas any more than I do. I LOVE giving gifts. I love the whole season and every second of magic that comes with it. What is really troubling me is that retailers want consumer dollars spent like crazy in their stores, but YOU'D BETTER NOT MENTION WHY YOU'RE BUYING ALL THIS STUFF!!!!
IT IS CHRISTMAS!!! ENJOY! IT! Remember as a kid just how long it took for Christmas to FINALLY arrive??? It seemed like 20 years! Please wish your friends, neighbors, shop keepers and in fact, everyone you know a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Don't cave in to the "politically correct" rules and regs that they expect us to hold. We are AMERICANS. We celebrate MANY holidays here...but Christians in America spend a LOT of money on the Christmas Holy Day. Don't be taken in by the notion that the TV is portraying. Don't accept that you have to spend your money in a place who doesn't respect why the CHRISTMAS SEASON makes many businesses...or breaks them.
If you want to talk about a "holiday season," to me, that's from Thanksgiving all the way up to Christmas. All this other stuff is hogwash and I'm not participating in it.
Our kids and grandkids deserve the same magic, love, excitement and UNDERSTANDING of the holiday that we had. Our children need to UNDERSTAND what Christmas is, what Christmas means and that is it OKAY to wish anyone you'd like a "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
I'm just on a rant with all these commercials. I've had it with the media screaming about the economy, begging Americans to spend money, go into debt in the month of December, etc. yet you'd better not let a PEEP be heard about WHY this money they're begging for is being spent! OH NO!! THE "C" WORD! I can only imagine what it's going to be like in a few years. Are they going to ban using the word CHRISTMAS, just as the Ten Commandments have been banned? Makes retailers look like a bunch of hypocrites to me. I heard a lady last night on TV say that if the retailers can't use the word "Christmas" in their stores, she is quite happy NOT to spend her CHRISTMAS DOLLARS ON HER CHRISTMAS GIFTS in their shops. I agree.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! I'll probably say that a bunch more times on my posts between now and December 25. *Which by the way is called CHRISTMAS DAY in America.



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