Annie and Geordie

Annie and Geordie
Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas TIME....

Posted by Annie on 12:20 AM in , , , , ,

(Izzy finds a way to "present" himself amongst the presents under our tree. As you'll read below, his attempts to camouflage himself are generally futile...he's obviously a WHITE cat!)
It's mid-December...we're all in the throws of wrapping gifts, purchasing just the right thing for those we love, and somewhere in the midst of it all, I hope we're remembering often WHY we're doing all of this. It's Christmastime. It's a joyous time of love, of lights, of celebration, of excitement, of friends, of family and it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
A couple of years ago, I recorded a CD and titled it simply "Christmas." I selected songs that meant something to me from childhood up to my adult life. Strategically placed in the "middle" of the CD, I did a reading from Luke describing the birth of Christ. I did that intentionally to make a statement that amid all the fun, the joy and even the stresses of Christmas, in the middle of it all, there is a story we should remember.
Tonight, Wayne and I had dinner with our neighbors. It was a lovely, relaxed evening in a beautiful home, with wonderful laughter and conversation. I realized that the "beauty" was how warm, comfortable and inviting everything about the evening was. I have trouble sometimes when I feel that folks go to a lot of trouble for us...and tonight, we truly were enveloped with love, celebration and friendship. Heck, I'll even venture to call it "pampering!"
Wayne and I have been acquainted with our neighbors, but not as much as I would have liked and it has been my own fault. As a rule, I stick pretty much to myself around here. I love company, but don't venture out much. Marah says I've given myself the reputation as being "the crazy animal lady." Perhaps I have and that's ok too. Even tonight as prepared as I was, I had to do a quick "Izzy chase" when we were only going a very short drive from our home to our neighbors. (As an aside, wanting to be on time, we were all ready to go and even early. And right there on the side of the road, sat a fat white cat, thinking he was totally camouflaged! I was driving, so didn't heed Wayne's advice to keep driving. I jumped out of my car and took a detour across my own property chasing Izzy. I figured he could just sit in my car while we visited! I was able to touch him once...and off he went into the woods.) Composing myself from my unexpected "jog," we drove on to the Whites. I reasoned that we had that extra bit of TIME because Izzy was going to be out there creating somewhat of a roadblock. But, he didn't make us late! We laughed about that crazy cat and continued on, still on schedule. I confessed about the great cat chase shortly after we arrived at the Whites and we had a good laugh. At least our goats didn't follow us there. They've been known a while back to head down the road, visiting the boat landing and the neighbors. Fortunately, they've gotten too fat and lazy to leave the farm nowadays.
Mary shared special Santas that she collects. (I collect Santas too!) She shared various dolls and special items that her mother had made, her friends had made and items that bring back special memories to her at Christmastime. I was grateful to see these items and hear the stories behind them. I love hearing memories and traditions of other families.
I'm not sure what Wayne and Bill talked about because I was busy talking with Mary, but I'm guessing it had to do with water, boats and "man stuff." Wayne was thrilled when we got home and quite ready to talk about what a great time he had, how great the evening was and what wonderful hosts the Whites were.
He is sleeping now and I'm still going over the events of the evening and relishing friendships, family, love and sharing. I am concluding more and more each year that "TIME" is the most precious gift we can give one another. When we give "time" we are giving of ourselves in so many ways.
I want to say thank you to our friends Mary and Bill for sharing your time with Wayne and me this evening, for sharing your home and for sharing yourselves with us. Christmas is a busy time for everyone. We try to meet every deadline, make plans to perfection, schedule to accommodate all of our families...and I am guessing the most important gift is "time."
Christmas TIME. Even after December 25, it's time that is most important in the big picture I suppose. Celebrating the birth of the Christ Child doesn't have to come to a screeching halt on December 26th, so I'm going to try to stretch it out and make it last as long as it can. I'm using an artificial tree this year, so who knows? I might still be going strong at Valentine's! (JOKE!)
Christmas TIME...That is a gift in itself. It's also something to consider giving, isn't it?



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